Twenty/Twenty, 2020
Evocative of our modern times, Twenty/Twenty is an experimental animation created using 3d software. Figures lean on and support one another while golden tidal currents of angular chaos surge and swirl around the bodies. At some intervals, the angular chaos, driven by native algorithms, passes through the figures completely undetected; other times, it infiltrates the forms. These figures exist in an aquarium of seeming uncertainty and influx, although, despite the swirling chaos, they repeatedly return to a new normal. The looking glasses in the aquarium reflect the figures shifting worlds back to them, enhancing both the animation's chaotic and calming sensations. Twenty/Twenty explores the delicate balance between chaos and order, portraying the resilience and adaptability of the figures in the face of life's unpredictable currents.
'Twenty/Twenty' was screened at Akbank Sanat in Istanbul, Turkey (2024) and ED Video in Guelph (2020). The MIXER gallery in Istanbul presented it for its 'Art on Screen' show (2020). For Big ART TO, the Toronto Image Society (TAIS) screened 'Twenty/Twenty' as part of its Show Love showcase (2021).
Michael Peter Olsen composed ‘Twenty/Twenty’s original soundscape.